Kitchel for Senate

A Letter from Catherine (Kate) Beattie:

Dear Voter:

I am writing to ask you to cast your vote for my daughter Jane Kitchel. She will make a great Senator and I know she will work hard for you.  I am a lifetime Vermonter who has served in the Legislature, farmed for a living, raised a large family, been active in community affairs and I care deeply about the future of this wonderful state.  I am proud that Jane has stepped forward to represent the interests of Caledonia and Orange County families, farmers and business owners.

Jane knows how to get things done in Montpelier .  Her work in Vermont government is widely respected.  The combination of Jane’s Caledonia farm roots and her understanding of how state government works will give us the clear, strong local voice we all deserve in the Vermont Senate.

Catherine M. Beattie

Jane by Her Hydrangeas